Holdem indicator not working betonline
Holdem indicator not working betonline

holdem indicator not working betonline

Next time - give it a try when you have junk and the flop is obviously completely terrible for your hand. You can focus your efforts on other tables. After you have donk folded - the other limping players will proceed to battle for the pot. You are first to act on the flop (if small blind folds) If you hold 7/2 off suit and the flop comes AK9 with 2 diamonds and you do not even have a diamond - DONK fold.ĭon't waste time nor energy on the hand. It's simple really if you are in the bb - and you get limped into by 2-4 opponents (which is common at micro stakes) and you have a junk hand. I don't know if it is a listed "feature" but it is certainly not a bug, and it is still a unique feature available to everyone. if thats the case, maybe it will be returned as an option soon? I have looked over the sitemap at least 10X and cannot find this DONK feature. I am in agreement that BOL seems to be a decent site (considering the minimals option as a USA resident)

#Holdem indicator not working betonline update

I hope ACR incorporates this mute feature soon, since their new update has the chat tab always open, and oddly - a lot of Russians LOVE to chat nonsense constantly. The other top feature is the chat which is solid, and we can mute the complainers and jackasses, so the chat feature is always on - but they offer the feature of muting specific opponents. Let the passive limping fishes battle over the pot, no need for us to even waste time nor energy on the hand. Flop comes AQ9 two spades - you hold 7clubs 3 hearts. You decide not to bluff 3bet this time - because you are certain you'll be getting 5 callers, and probably a 4bet.

holdem indicator not working betonline

Why didnt this bonus work Casino does not accept players from New York All bonuses. 5 players limp into your big blind - and you are holding 7/3 off. Bonus is not for players from New York Indonesia 1. This feature actually saves a lot of time and frustration, especially at the low stakes where there are a TON of limpers. It isn't offered on any of the other unregulated sites I know of. One of the best features BoL has is the open donk fold feature. Betonline is no different from any of the other sites - eventually you will get screwed

Holdem indicator not working betonline