Apparently this gets played on the title screen on Pixel's birthday.

I think intros are good to open a soundtrack with and that credits music makes sense at the end, followed by other bonus tracks, but it's up to your discretion for these 4. One approach to bonus tracks is to append them all to the end, but I prefer a case by case approach.

These files can be found in Cave Story+ (Steam) in ( Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\cave story+\data\base\Org) in Pixel's proprietary. Most of the tracks in the "original" sound track are part of the other sound tracks.

The translations are mostly pretty spot on. The source of the track titles listed and the order come primarily from the fan-translation of the original game release and have been accepted within the fanbase. The site also lists 5 unreleased, but I'll address the added ones in the answer and the unreleased in the extra information. The "original" Cave Story Soundtrack has 42 tracks listed + 2 added for +/Wii. This sound track is also included in Cave Story+ (Steam) in ( Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\cave story+\data\base\Ogg) +/- a few songs which I'll cover in the answer. The Cave Story+ sound track included with HIB4 is a 44 track selection from this "new" sound track. The "new" soundtrack for Cave Story is a rearrangement by Yann van der Cruyssen for Wii. All three are selectable to be used during gameplay from the options menu in Cave Story+ or at least they are in my steam install. tl dr explanationĬave Story essentially has 3 sound tracks - Original, Remastered and New. I wasn't satisfied with the answers present and after much research, I think I've nailed down the information not completely covered in other answers so this should help those who are sticklers like me. 4 months late probably counts as a necro, but I only just realized that my HIB4 had the soundtracks and got them myself :P.